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Aug 23, 2022

In this episode you will hear Brittany’s insights on captive insurance and Vermont as a leading domicile state. We also talk about what captive insurance is, its advantages and the importance of choosing the right domicile for your business.

Brittany Nevins is the Captive Insurance Economic Development Director at State of Vermont. She is a proven community and economic development professional, with experience in the nonprofit and governmental sectors, having worked to improve a variety of industries such as financial services, technology, health care, and child care for long-term, sustainable economic and societal success of a region.

If you want to be our guest, or you know some one who would be a great guest on our show, just send your email to with a subject line “Global Risk Community Show” and give a brief explanation of what topic you would like to to talk about and we will be in touch with you asap.