Nov 28, 2023
Our guest todays isTony UV, CEO of VerSprite, an information security consulting practice that has been in business for nearly 25 years! He also co-authored the book "Risk Centric Threat Modeling" which delves on the topic of risk-based threat modeling methodology.
We discussed the following topics among others?
What risk-centric threat modeling is and how it differs from other approaches to threat modeling in cybersecurity?
How do organizations effectively identify and prioritize their most critical assets and potential vulnerabilities in the context of threat modeling?
What is your one quick tip to turn a potential risk into a win?
What is your go-to move for staying cyber-safe in a few words?
and more...
If you want to be our guest, or you know some one who would be a great guest on our show, just send your email to with a subject line “Global Risk Community Show” and give a brief explanation of what topic you would like to to talk about and we will be in touch with you asap.