Jul 25, 2020
In this interview Evgeny Likhoded, CEO at ClauseMatch shares his insights on how banking organizations have been adopting modern compliance platforms and how it helps them during the COVID-19 crisis time.
You can also watch the original video interview here and read the full transcript
Jul 19, 2020
In this interview Sjoerd Leemhuis, CEO at Owlin shares his insights on how his customers are using his technology, especially in the payment and in the asset management businesses. You will also learn about the COVID-19 impact monitor, an interactive analytical tool developed by Owlin and available for free.
In addition...
Jul 8, 2020
In this interview Jim Wetekamp, CEO at Riskonnect shares his insights on how organizations are preparing to adapt to the new normal and explains how risk managers should stay the course during this COVID-19 crisis time.
4 long-standing trends that risk managers have to deal with thoroughly accelerated right now...